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Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell

Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell (A-4)
Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell (A-4)
Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell (A-4)
Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell (A-4)
Skyhawk Tribute by Roy Grinnell (A-4)
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Roy created this wonderful painting in honor of the brave Naval and Marine Aviators who flew the McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk in both war and peace. Added to this cherished print are the signatures ...  >Read More
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Twenty-three (23) signatures as they appear below the image!
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Prints are signed by the artist and numbered

  • 850 Limited Editions

  • Overall size: 32" x 25"
  • Image size: 27" x 18"
  • Each print signed by an amazing collection of
    23 Naval and Marine Aviators!
    (See below)
    Roy created this wonderful painting in honor of the brave Naval and Marine Aviators who flew the McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk in both war and peace.

    Added to this cherished print are the signatures of 23 distinguished pilots including former astronauts, Prisoners of War, high ranking US Government officials, and others.


  • Commander Everett ALVAREZ, USN (Ret.) - The first US Navy pilot POW in Vietnam. Imprisoned for more than 8 1/2 years.

  • Admiral Stan ARTHUR, USN (Ret.) - Commander US Naval forces during Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

  • Captain Charles "Pete" CONRAD, Jr. - Former Gemini, Apollo and Skylab astronaut. Commander of Gemini XI, Apollo XII and Skylab I. Third man to walk upon the moon.

  • Captain Richard "Zeke" CORMIER, USN (Ret.) - F6F Ace during WWII (8 victories); Commanding Officer of the Blue Angels in 1954-5.

  • Lieutenant Al CREBO, USN (Ret.) - Flew A-4s from USS Bon Homme Richard during Vietnam combat tour.

  • Randy "Duke" CUNNINGHAM - First fighter Ace during Vietnam; former commander of US Navy "Top Gun" program. Upon retiring, Cunningham was elected to Congress.

  • Captain Wynn FOSTER, USN (Ret.) - Flying an A-4 Skyhawk over Vietnam, his aircraft was hit by AAA resulting in the loss of his right arm, earning him the nickname of "Captain Hook".

  • Rear Admiral R. Byron FULLER - Shot down in Vietnam and imprisoned as a POW for almost 6 years. Commander of Carrier Group Four during Iran hostage crisis.

  • Harry GANN - Official historian for the Skyhawk Association; historian for US Navy and the Blue Angels.

  • Commander Paul GALLANTI, USN (Ret.) - A-4 pilot shot down in Vietnam; held as POW for 2,432 days.

  • General Rich HEARNEY, USMC (Ret.) - TA-4F pilot in Vietnam as Fast Forward Air Controller (Fast FAC). Retired as Assistant Commandant, USMC.

  • Admiral Jim HOLLOWAY, USN (Ret.) - Graduated US Naval Academy in 1942. Commanded USS Enterprise and US Sixth and Seventh Fleets during Vietnam War. Former Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and member of Joint Chief of Staff (JCS).

  • Brigadier General Jay HUBBARD, USMC (Ret.) - Commander of numerous Marine Corps Squadrons and Air Groups; flew A-4 Skyhawk at Chu Lai, Vietnam in 1966-67.

  • Captain Otto KRUEGER, USN (Ret.) - Graduated US Naval Academy in 1949. Flew A-4 during multiple combat and command tours in Vietnam. President of "The Skyhawk Association".

  • Vice Admiral Tony LESS, USN (Ret.) - Former Commanding Officer of the Blue Angels.

  • Colonel Jack R. LOUSMA, USMC (Ret.) - One of 6 aviators chosen on the 7th Fleet Navy/Marine A-4 team to compete in the "Flying Brothers" fire power demonstration in the Philippines. Former astronaut; Pilot of Skylab II (2 months in orbit), and Commander of 3rd orbital test flight of the space shuttle Columbia.

  • Captain Bob LUTZ, USMC (Ret.) - Flew F9F-5, F9F-8, A-4A and A-4B. Vice Chairman of Chrysler Corporation.

  • Admiral Wes McDONALD, USN (Ret.) - Former Commander of CAG-15 in Vietnam, USS Coral Sea, CAG-3, US Second Fleet. Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Fleet, 1982.

  • Lieutenant General Thomas H. MILLER, USMC (Ret.) - Flew combat missions in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. First American to fly the Harrier. Former Commanding General, Marine Forces, Pacific, and Chief of Staff for Aviation.

  • Robert RAHN - Conducted first test flight of the XA4D for Douglas Aircraft in 1954. Also developed systems for the Apollo program and served as manager of reentry and test operations for the Space Shuttle.

  • Commander T. R. SCHWARTZ, USN (Ret.) - On a mission over North Vietnam with VA-76, he became the only A-4 Skyhawk pilot to shoot down a North Vietnamese MiG-17.

  • David "Whizzer" WHITE - Single handedly conceived and founded "The Skyhawk Association"; gave it its motto, "A-4s Forever", and built the organization to its current international stature.

  • Commander Jack "Youthly Puresome" WOODUL, USN (Ret.) - Former A-4 pilot. Writes the "Adventures of Youthly Puresome" as a contributing author for the "Hook" magazine and other aviation periodicals.
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